Partial dentures can be very complex .

A part upper denture to replace one or two front teeth is usually simple.  A set of dentures to replace many of the teeth in both the upper and lower jaw is much more difficult.

Each job is different.  At your free initial consultation I will quote a price for a denture to suit your needs.  There is no obligation.

The price I will quote includes:-

  • All consultations and appointments necessary to prepare your dentures to your requirements
  • Any follow-up appointments to adjust the dentures after they have been fitted.

To make a partial denture for you I will need a referral from a dentist.

I can arrange this at your first consultation, or give you the paperwork to take to your own dentist.

If you visit your own dentist before you see me, be sure to tell him or her that you want a prescription to have your denture made by me.